Purity 101
is a social networking site for men’s groups providing a support environment. Purity 101 is subscription based.
Restore Purity
is a site for any man needing hope and encouragement concerning his sex drive. Restore Purity is totally free.
Overview Of Our Two Sites
Both Purity 101 and Restore Purity websites provide Christ-centered education, help and encouragement for all men within the Body of Christ worldwide in the area concerning their sexuality. Our desire to serve is motivated by a biblical foundation of compassion, grace, truth, and a dependency on our Mighty God, plus a personal awareness that the power of sexual sin can only be broken by a greater power, “The Power of the Cross Of Jesus.” These two sites highlight the wisdom found within the Holy Scriptures concerning a man’s sex drive.

On these two sites, we place a great emphasis on a growing trust with our Father God, teaching men to allow Him to have access to and meet their deep heart needs on an ongoing daily bases. The unmet needs of the heart drive the sexual struggle. It is our hope and desire to equip our brothers in Christ to experience the “abundant life,” (John 10:10) and “the plans,” that are theirs (Jeremiah 29:11) as they walk free and unhindered from any unresolved sexual struggles in their lives.

These two websites are tools that if implemented properly will contribute to the individual or members of a group becoming “mature in Christ.” (Hebrews 5:14.)